We tend to think of a lifetime in a large span. Or we think of it in smaller increments such as years, months, days or even hours and minutes. In reality, our lives are made up of moments. We never know what the next moment will bring.
This past Tuesday morning, was a prime example. In a moment, life was forever changed for a family. One moment things were normal....the next...things would never be the same.
Rachel was a vibrant young 25 year old woman. She was blessed with a loving Christian family and had just delivered a beautiful baby boy, in April. Throughout her son's young life, she battled a rare blood disorder that hospitalized her numerous times. It seemed all was going well, when in an instant, she was gone.
Indeed, we never know what the next moment will bring
Can we ever prepare for these heartaches? What do we do when these unexpected tragedies befall us? How do we, as friends, help others in a devastating situation?
Although there is no real way to ever be ready for such times, we can strengthen our hearts by being grateful for each moment that we are given. We are not promised another. Instead of living our lives complaining about the things we do not have...embrace the things we do. It's all in your perspective. Do we live as Pollyanna...in a made up world of sunshine and rainbows? No...but we can live with an attitude of gratitude and look at our circumstances with a more positive viewpoint. We can be thankful for the people in our lives and let them know how much we care about them and love them...for we are not promised tomorrow. But, the most important way to equip ourselves, is to look at our own lives before a crisis hits. What do we see in our future? If a moment would take you from this world, where would you go? If you know for sure, that you would go to heaven, that's wonderful. If you are not sure, please check out this
What can we do when a crisis occurs in our own lives? I can only look on this from the perspective of a Christian. I believe that God has an ultimate Plan for our lives. He alone knows the number of days that any of us are given. Our job is to make the most of those days. As a Christian, I know that my God will always love me more than anyone ever could. He created me, and has promised never to leave me...that includes times of sadness and pain. He is here for me to lean on and trust. I can feel His Presence through His Word, prayer, and the love and compassion of fellow Christians.
Which leads me to the third point. How to we help our loved ones through these times? What can we do...or say?? Since, as Christians, we all have the same Spirit of God within us, we can literally become the Hands and Feet of Christ to our friends and family who are grieving. Not so much with our words...as there are no words to say that will truly comfort...but by our presence, prayers, and thoughtful acts. We can help them feel the Presence of God and His Love, by....simply loving.
Our thoughts and prayers go with Rachel's family. We pray that they do know the Peace of God which goes beyond all understanding, and they feel the warmth of His Love.....moment by moment.