Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Loving the Unlovely


     What makes a person considered lovable?  Is it their personality?  Their attitude? Their looks?  Some people just have that aura about them, that everyone seems to connect with them.  Wherever they go, they seem to have people smile at them and nod.  Maybe it's not anything they's just in how they are perceived.
     To look at their life, you may consider their life blessed.  All things seem to fall into place for them.  Everything they touch turns to gold.
     What makes a person considered un-lovable?  Is it their personality?  Their attitude?  Their looks?  Some people just have that aura about them, that everyone seems to disconnect with them.  Wherever they go, they seem to have people shy away from them and look away.  Maybe it's not anything they's just in how they are perceived.
     To look at their life you might  may consider their life cursed.  Nothing seems to go right.  Whatever they touch seems to fall apart.
     In reality, everyone is a mixture of both of these people.  No one is all bad...and no one is all good.  It is up to us to determine what we see in someone else.
     It takes two to love.  The lover and the....lovee.  The recipient of that love.  The recipient doesn't have much choice in the matter...but the lover does.
     Love is a choice.  We choose each day, whether or not we want to love the people in our lives.  We choose whether or not we want to look for the good in the people we meet....or focus on the unlovely part of them.
     Therein lies a problem.  What if an 'unlovable' person we meet only comes across people who choose not to love them?  What if no one chooses to look at the good within them?  What tends to happen is that the person begins to BELIEVE that they are in fact, unlovable.  Are they?  Of course not.  But they believe it, because if you are told something often enough, you begin to regard it as truth. 
     Since they think that no one cares, they may become withdrawn and skeptical.  Others may try so hard to find someone who will like them, that they develop unusual behaviors that can cause others to think they are strange.  Still others will look for acceptance in the wrong places...and with the wrong people.
      At the core of our being, God gave us an innate sense of needing to be loved.  Loved for who we are as a person.  We are all created with the same desire for connecting with other humans.  When we choose not to love another person because of how they look or act, we are depriving them of that connection.  If we feel that we are too good to love that individual that society has chosen to label "unlovable" we are only fooling ourselves if we think we are better than them.
     God tells us to love one another.  He doesn't put conditions on it...just to love.  He doesn't say "only if they are pretty, or smart, or just like you".  He said to love...because He loved. 
     He even summed up the Commandments into two catagories:  Love God and Love others as yourself.  He said that there are no commandments greater than these.  (Mark 12:28-31)
     I think I know why God made this such a top priority.  Because if we loved others as He wants us to...there would be a lot less unlovable people in the world.  The need that He created in each of us would be filled. 
     We are His Hands to reach out to those who need love. It's our responsibility to lead them to the One that Loved them first.  The One that created them to be the unique individuals that they are.  The One that is waiting for them to turn to Him for the Love that will never end.
       It's your choice.

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