Sunday, May 1, 2011



                    If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.  ~Author Unknown

Over the last few weeks, Steve and I have had to make some major changes.  Now, as we can all attest to, that can be about as much fun as swimming in the ocean as they are filming "Shark Week"...
Change is hardly ever easy.
     In order to help Steve's mother with her home., we have had to move into her house. Gabe and Valerie are living and keeping up our house.  This is a big change for the two of us, as we have lived in our home for 20 years. It is strange to be dwelling in another home...even though it is very familiar to us.
     How do we react to change?  It is inevitable that change will happen to all of us.  Some people don't mind it one bit.  They are quite flexible, and adapt quite easily to new situations.  These individuals are able to move frequently and meet new people with no problem.
     Others don't care for it, yet they try to make the best of it and adapt as best as they can.  Many people are in the third catagory.  They hate change.  Keeping things the same is a comfort zone for them.  Like a security blanket, consistancy envelops their life.  Their unaltered world involves no chance to get hurt.  It's safe...but is it a good thing?
     The Bible encourages us to welcome change.  Matthew 18:3 it says that unless we change and become like little children, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  We must be trustful and dependant as a child on our Father in Heaven.  That can be difficult for a jaded, independant adult to do; but if it were an impossible task, Jesus would not have required it of us.  We have to let go of ourselves and our wishes and will, and let God control the direction that our life is going.  If we are in the driver's seat, we can easily get distracted by detours and fancy exits. We must relinquish control, and prayerfully let the Lord take over.
     It can be hard to let go.  Anatole France said, "All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another."  That is the key.  To die to self.  There is no other way to truly follow Christ, than to let go...and let God.    
     So that's what we're doing!  Steve and I have no idea what the future holds, we have to take our directions day by day.  Listening to the voice of God speak to our hearts and guide us in what He wants us to do.  Listen to the voice of God speak to YOUR heart...come join the adventure!!    


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